Dear Sister,
Succeeding at NaNoWriMo has taught me so much. Several friends have commented that they aren’t writers, or they just aren’t creative enough to participate. But I hope when you see my excitement, it pushes you toward your own passions.
Lesson 1: You Are Capable
I’m You can accomplish more than you realize. Fifty thousand words sounds impossible. But if you make it a priority and chip away at it a little each day you can accomplish it.
What do you say ‘I can’t do that’ about? Maybe you can. maybe you just need to believe that you can, break it down into manageable tasks, and pursue your dreams.
Lesson 2: Don’t Fear Failure
When you attack a huge task with a tight deadline the second guessing disappears. I don’t have time to revise. I don’t have time to question if the story is great. I don’t have time to fear failure. Knowing I can revise later helps me push on. If I don’t persevere through the rough draft, I won’t have second draft.
Without the deadline, I can paralyze myself with fear of not being good enough. But if I don’t practice and work at it, I’ll never improve.
I am curious what we avoid for fear of failure in our day-to-day? But don’t we grow from risk? So embrace the scary passions you avoid.
Lesson 3: Everything Doesn’t Have to be a Competition
I can be teensy bit competitive. But with NaNoWriMo you aren’t a winner when you beat others. You’re a winner when you reach your goal. I’m not one of those everyone deserves a trophy person, but it’s refreshing to come alongside other ladies who write and cheer them on!
Find some ladies to pour into. You’ll be happier to rejoice with others than to beat them. Winning without friends can be lonely!
I hope my tackling this 50,000 word challenge has encouraged you in some way. I’m currently at 42,638 words. I’ll be sure to post my final word count at the close of November. And eventually, I’ll let you know when I begin revising!
Your sister,